ACT HOUSE BLEND "Great Rift", Espresso Roast

ACT HOUSE BLEND "Great Rift", Espresso Roast


Our "Great Rift" house blend is an exceptional and distinctive mix of selected premium quality beans from three top African coffee producing countries. It’s designed to give you a delightful and enjoyable cup with full-bodied, balanced, wonderfully smooth, dark chocolate and complex tastes. We selected the beans carefully and precisely roasted them separately. We worked with an expert roaster and taste specialists to get our signature house blend just right.

Espresso Roast

- Ethiopia: Sidamo Grade 1
- Cameroon: Kumbo Grade A
- Uganda: Sipi Falls Grade AA
Processing: Natural & wet processed
Varietal: Heirloom & Bourbon
Elevation: 1,500 to 2,200 meters
Tasting: Blueberry, ripe lemon, dark chocolate, hints of whisky

This coffee is sold ground to your specification or unground. You can purchase grinders in our accessories section to prepare these premium beans using your preferred brewing method.

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